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New businesess

- New opportunities
- Connecting companies
- Our innovation projects

New opportunities

We are actively looking for new business opportunities in various areas. We are contacting companies, entrepreneurs or private individuals to make the first analysis. We are contacting potential subcontractors, we setup realization team, we manage formalities to start new project or business.

We concentrate on software, industry automation, telecommunication, green energy, environmental projects and others.

If we see opportunities in other areas like ellectric power, agriculture, woods, water sources, we do not ignore them.

If you started new business but you have a problem to push it forward, we can help you.

Connecting companies

We proactively search for new tenders. For bigger or complex tenders we connect subcontractors into consortium of suppliers to achieve bigger contract.

We organize the subcontractors who are specialist in their business to make together a project team, able to deliver complex products or services.

Our added value is the project management of such deliveries not only within CZ but also in international environment.

We are not limited by any exclusive contracts, which supports our straightforward decisions about subcontractors, architecture and pricing of the delivery.

Our innovation projects

We also invest our own resources into our projects/ products. Our projects are usually software development activities oriented to industry and telecommunication.

We fund our projects from our own sources and the delivery is partially done by our subcontractors. You can imagine our projects like our own startups.

Some of our projects you can find on page “References”. However some projects are not published till the moment when we publish them to the end customers or investors.